Our Mission

To equip every worker with the peace of mind and mental capacity to operate at their fullest potential.

Paytime's Track and Pay

Timing is everything

Whether it’s the holiday season, a school payment, a medical emergency or employees simply want to pay down credit card bills to avoid late fees and interest charges, there are and will be times when bills cannot wait until payday.

Paytime’s On-demand Pay allows employees to:

A Payment Platform For Change

We want to help people around the world become financially healthier and happier. The financial stress problem we’re tackling is real. Finance-related stress is having a negative impact on our mental health, relationships and performance at work.
For employers, the effects are felt through increased absenteeism, reduced productivity and lower retention.

We want every working person regardless of whether they are full-time, part-time, flexible workers, casuals or contractors, to have complete financial freedom, by giving them power over their earned pay. This means the ability for anyone to instantly access and manage their pay at anytime, instead of having to wait for a set payday.

Our Platform

The Paytime platform changes the way money moves, between employer and employee. Our platform houses a robust data exchange, which is ISO 27001 certified, that integrates seamlessly into a multitude of payroll and time & attendance systems whilst maintaining the utmost data security and privacy.

For your employees, this technology means they can see how much money they have earned from any device at anytime.

Our open connectivity to our banking system ensures instant access to their earned money, where they want it, when they want it, in seconds.

Finally our access to capital, allows us to fund the intra-pay withdrawals, so for your company there is no effect on cashflow whatsoever, nor is there any need to change any of your existing payroll processes.

Our Story

At Paytime Our Mission is to change the invisible rules of money and how people are paid. We are not just creating a payments platform that changes the old rules about payday, we are creating a solution that ensures everyone is treated equally, fairly and is on a level playing field.

With over 50% of Australians living paycheque to paycheque, many have expressed their frustration around the simple fact that everyone has expenses everyday, but are forced to wait for a set payday, determined by their company, to receive their earned money. So we set about creating technology that makes life less stressful, by creating an on-demand pay app which gives employees instant access to the pay they’ve already earned, leading to a more engaged workforce and reduced staff turnover.

We’ve Been Certified

When it comes to your payroll, security is a top priority. That’s why we insist on independent and impartial assessments as a means to prove our security credentials. Paytime has earned the ISO 27001 certification and is also SOC2 complaint:

Get Paytime for your business

Experience what the recognized gold standard in on-demand pay can do for you and your employees.

Everyone benefits with Paytime

