Financial and Mental Wellbeing in your workplace

Financial stress could be impacting your workforce more than you think

Of employees are financially stressed and they take:

3.2 More Days Per Year

Spent dealing with finances at work

2.4 More Sick Days per year

Higher leave from work due to illness

Costing Australian employers ~$31B in lost productivity

Financial stress grows into a vicious cycle..

..that results in a debt spiral and plethora of mental health issues

Although many resources are available publicly and the workplace, there are still significant challenges

Social Stigma

Only 1 in 2 of those experiencing mental health issues raise their concern

EAP* Ineffective

66% of employees do not see theirs as effective, with only 5% usage rates in some industries

Note: Beyond Blue is Australia’s largest mental health organisation; EAP stands for Employee Assistance Program

The Paytime app makes available FREE Mental Health and Financial Wellbeing resources to those in need, in 100% privacy of ones phone

carefully selected
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resources covering money management, healthy eating, exercise, workplace anxiety/ stress, and more
phone and video helplines
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at a click of a button

Chat to a financial counsellor

Budgeting and Forecasting Tool

‘Pay yourself first’ savings program

Cash Rewards & Loyalty

More to come…